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Perpetual Movement Fitness is Boulder County's number one team of in-home personal trainers. We use our own assessment process that allows us to create a customized program that will help you unlock your potential, achieve your goals, and embrace a healthier lifestyle.
PMF was created with the thought that movement is endless, always changing, and so are people. The goal with any client is to help them move well and keep them moving. Our founder, JP, holds one belief above all - the basics are the basics for a reason. PMF believes in using our collective education, experiences, and clinical skills to help get people out of pain, increase their range of motion, and prevent future injuries. Once a client feels better and gains more confidence with their own movement, then the fun begins.
The personal trainers of Perpetual Movement Fitness don’t expect you to train 6 days a week for an hour or two at a time. When you work with us, it’s a partnership. It’s our job to help navigate and find what is going to work for YOU. You won’t hear us yelling at you to “motivate” you. We encourage and push you to do your best.
We want you to feel better and walk with confidence toward YOUR goals.​

Emilie Y.

"I’ve been working with JP for two months and highly recommend him. I’ve had some joint injuries in the past that are ‘healed’ but have been keeping me from enjoying the sports I love. It seemed like I was always re-injuring myself. JP is safely helping me to build the strength necessary to support my joints and I’m already seeing positive improvements. He’s professional, super knowledgeable (he was recommended by my amazing physical therapist) and just pleasant to be around."



Movement can happen anywhere and any time not just in a gym. PMF believes that fitness and personal training should be accessible and that includes virtual personal training and coaching sessions.


Offering personalized plans to best fit your lifestyle and goals. 


Empty Gym

Our expert trainer designs a four-week program just for you. You will do the workouts on your own and will have weekly check-ins. You'll also track your numbers and any deviation to your program allowing for collaboration. Simple, effective, and tailored to your goals.


Get ready for an experience that's all about you.



Improve mobility, strength, endurance, and overall health. PMF has the knowledge and skills to help you reach your goals- from starting exercise, rehabilitating an injury, training for an event, or general health and fitness.


Movement is endless, always changing and so are you - learn how to adapt with PMF. 


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Consistency Accountability Knowledge Empowerment

An 8 week virtual program for all fitness levels; with daily workouts provided with video, written, and verbal instruction; and access to a personal trainer for questions and accountability.


Working out is a piece of CAKE!



Feel free to text, call, or complete the form below

and we will be in contact soon!

PHONE  | 317-385-8066

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